Christmas Traditions You Have to be in Australia to Experience

Celebrating Christmas, Down Under-Style

Sure, it’s weird that in the peak of summer we still celebrate Christmas by singing songs about the snow and dressing up like Santa. And sure, we might borrow many of our traditions from countries that have been celebrating it for longer. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have traditions of our own. In fact, […]

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7 Last-Minute Gift Ideas for Everyone in Your Life

Last-Minute Christmas Gifts

There’s less than a week before Christmas and once again you’ve left the shopping to the last minute. The shops have been totally cleared out and the online shopping cut-offs have come and gone. Now, take a deep breath. Relax. Bid ‘adieu’ to festive panic, because we’ve got you well and truly covered. From Mum […]

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8 Ridiculously Expensive Christmas Gifts No One Needs But We Want Anyway

Ridiculously Expensive Christmas Gifts

When you’re a kid, Christmas is the most magical time of the year. Santa, reindeers, finally getting those toys you’ve been desperate for all year long… is there anything better? Once you’re an adult, though, the magic starts to wear off. Our own gift wish list gets pushed to the wayside in favour of ensuring […]

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Best Kris Kringle Gifts to Make You a Star in the Office

Office Kris Kringle Gift Ideas

You’ve picked the name out of the hat, and now it’s time to produce a spectacular Secret Santa gift for Gary in HR with a measly $20 limit. What now? Fear not, desperate shoppers, we’ve got you well and truly covered with last-minute present ideas for every type of deskmate, from the office clown to […]

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8 So-Bad-They’re-Good Christmas Movies You Have to Watch

So-Bad-They're-Good Christmas Movies

There’s plenty to love about Christmas, from finding the perfect gift for that special someone in your life to gorging on prawns and pavlova. But let’s not lie to ourselves, there’s one thing that’s better than everything else combined – watching cheesy, cringe-worthy festive flicks with your nearest and dearest, a glass of sav blanc […]

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6 Essential Dishes for an Aussie Christmas Feast

Australian Christmas Food

We may not get snow or daggy knitted jumpers, but if you ask us, there’s plenty of reasons an Aussie Christmas trumps any other. We’ve got beaches, sunshine, backyard cricket, and of course, incredible festive spreads. From beautiful fresh seafood to sugar-filled desserts, there are several dishes that every Aussie Christmas table shares. How many […]

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