30 Things You Could Do If You Won Division One in Lotto

30 Things You Could Do If You Won Division One Lotto

How many times have you scrolled through Instagram and lusted over the luxurious lives those models and reality stars seem to live? If you’re anything like us, too many times to count.

While those images of cruising around the Med on a private yacht with bottle after bottle of Moet may seem far out of reach, there’s nothing wrong with a little daydreaming, right?

And hey, if you enter the $30 Million* Megadraw coming on Saturday, 29 December, you might find yourself closer to living the dream than you ever imagined.

So, to kick off your daydreams, The Lott have put together a list of 30 incredible things you could do if you won $1 million. Imagine how different 2019 could be if you shared in the $30 Million* division one prize!

1. Fly first class

Imagine actually getting some sleep on a long-haul flight! We know, it’s a novel concept, but with a division one win you could make sitting in the pointy end of the plane a frequent occurrence when you (and even your family and friends) become a first-class regular.

2. Study

With a division one Lotto win, you could finally ditch your unfulfilling job and start afresh. You’d finally have the money and the time to study that degree you’ve always wanted and perhaps finally land that dream gig!

3. Go glamping at Uluru

Visiting Uluru is a spectacular experience no matter how you do it, but with a division one win you and your mates could do it in style by glamping at Longitude 131°. You’ll enjoy the comfort of luxury tents overlooking the unparalleled views of Uluru from the end of your bed every day. Bliss!

4. Donate to your favourite charities

What’s the use in winning all this money without taking the opportunity to give back to the community? By sharing your division one windfall with charities and causes that are close to your heart, you could also brighten someone else’s life.

5. Caravan around Australia

Not only would you be able to treat yourself to the latest luxury caravan (yes, please) but you would also have the bonus of endless time to sit back relax, and really take in the splendour of this beautiful sunburnt land.

6. Help family and friends

Whether you’ve always dreamed of paying off your parents’ mortgage, taking your family on a holiday, or treating your best friend to their dream car, with a division one win you could have the money to repay your loved ones for all the things they’ve done for you over the years.

7. Book an around-the-world holiday

Tick off all your bucket list destinations in one go with an around the world holiday. Bon voyage!

8. Supply books to a local library

Are you a bookworm? Give others access to the reads that changed your life by supplying your local library with a whole new range of books – they’re always grateful for donations.

9. Go skydiving at Mount Everest, Nepal

Adrenaline junkies, this one’s for you. Mount Everest is on many people’s bucket lists, and so is skydiving, so why not kill two birds with one stone and do both at the same time? This is sure to be one experience you’ll never forget.

10. Sponsor a community sports team

Support your local netball, touch football, or softball team and sponsor them for the season. You may become their unofficial hype squad!

11. Hot air ballooning in Cappadocia, Turkey

Cappadocia, Turkey is known to be one of the best places in the world to go hot air ballooning, so use your division one win towards a flight and take in some of the most spectacular views you’ll ever see.

12. Supply laptops to 33 classrooms at your local school

With a division one prize of $1 million or more you could impact the lives of over 1,000 families by supplying laptops to 33 classrooms at your local school, or even the school you went to!

13. Spend New Year’s Eve at a penthouse in New York City

Invite your favourite people in the world to watch the ball drop and bring in the New Year with a bang in a New York City penthouse.

14. Volunteer

Ever wished you could help the community, if only you had time? That’s what winning a share in the $30 Million* Megadraw could grant you. When money isn’t a stress factor, you could use your time to positively help those around you.

15. Island-hop your way around Greece

Yachts, cocktails and crystal-clear waters are calling your name. Spend your days island-hopping around Greece with your division one win and find out why everyone is crazy for this beautiful part of the world.

16. Turn your passion or side-hustle into a small business

Whether you’re a passionate gardener, baker, costume designer, or candle maker; the sky is the limit when it comes to career side-hustles after winning division one. Turning your passion into a successful, thriving business could give you that winning feeling all over again in years to come.

17. Help your family members retire early

Dad’s always saying he wishes he could retire, and now, you can make his dream reality. With a division one win, he can finally kick his feet up and enjoy some well-earned free time.

18. Cruise the Mediterranean for over two months

Buffet dinners, cocktails in pool-side lounge chairs, spa treatments and extravagant activities. Life could be a cruise with a Megadraw win.

19. Set money aside for your children’s education

The average cost of an undergraduate degree is $30,000. If you won a share in the $30 Million* Megadraw you could afford to give your children a head start in their working life and still have money left over for yourself!

20. Go on a safari in the Serengeti National Park

If The Lion King made you fall in love with African wildlife as much as it made us, book a safari in the Serengeti National Park to see lions, leopards, rhinoceros, elephants and buffalo up close and personal.

21. Pay it forward at your local coffee shop every day for the rest of your life

You could use your win to put a smile on someone’s face every day for the rest of your life simply by paying for their coffee. Sometimes it’s the little things, isn’t it?

22. Sponsor a village in Africa

With $1 million you could make a difference to a whole village by providing funding for education, health initiatives and living quality improvement programs. Money doesn’t last forever, but that warm and fuzzy feeling after doing something charitable lasts forever.

23. Get a massage a day for 27 years

Enjoy an hour of ‘me’ time every day for the next 27 years!

24. Give supplies to your local animal shelter

Local animal shelters are largely made up of volunteer staff and heavily rely on donations from the public to keep them going. If you consider yourself an animal lover you may decide a good way to spend some of your prize to supply them with the essentials they need until they find their fuuurever homes.

25. Attend every event at the 2020 Olympics

The Tokyo 2020 Olympics are approaching, and tickets have gone on sale. Sports fanatics may want to spend their windfall snatching up a ticket to every event!

26. Go skiing in Whistler, Canada

Boasting dramatic mountain scenery, world-class runs and a lively party scene, Whistler is a great travel destination for skiers and non-skiers alike.

27. Publish your own book

Many of us either dream of writing a book or have been told by others after telling a story “you should write a book one day”. After a division one win that dream could become a reality and you could even afford to self-publish!

28. Host a family reunion

As we get older our family members move interstate and sometimes even internationally. Why not get the family together again and have a reunion to remember with your windfall?

29. Move to acreage and have a hobby farm

If you’re a homebody using a $1 million win to escape the big smoke and move to an acreage estate and have a hobby farm may be right up your alley.

30. Get your pilot’s licence

Those pilot lessons are expensive, but a division one win gives you the opportunity to pursue those passions you’ve always dreamed about.

What would you choose to do if you receive that winning phone call from the Lott after the $30 Million* Megadraw on Saturday 29th December?

*Division 1 Prize Pool

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