Christmas Traditions You Have to be in Australia to Experience

Celebrating Christmas, Down Under-Style

Sure, it’s weird that in the peak of summer we still celebrate Christmas by singing songs about the snow and dressing up like Santa. And sure, we might borrow many of our traditions from countries that have been celebrating it for longer. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have traditions of our own. In fact, here in Australia we have some of the most unique Christmas traditions ever – so unique, in fact, that you’d have to celebrate the festive season Down Under to experience them at all!

Here’s a look at our top Aussie Christmas traditions you won’t find anywhere else…

Playing in the Sand Instead of the Snow

As much fun as a white Christmas sounds, the cold combined with the wet can be a perfect recipe for misery – ask anyone who’s ever lived in the snow. But Down Under, many of us can wake up on Christmas Day and head straight to the beach on a perfect, sunny day – and any Northern Hemispherean who says they’re not envious is lying.

Indulging in the Ocean’s Finest

While many Australians do try to recreate the typical Christmas dinner – we’re talking turkey, roast potatoes, gravy, the lot – it can be quite hard to stomach when the weather outside is pushing 40 degrees. And when our nation is surrounded by some of the world’s finest seafood, like crazy-big prawns, Moreton Bay bugs, crabs, scallops, and everything in between, it makes much more sense to indulge in the latter. After all, Christmas Day is about treating ourselves (or that’s how we see it anyway), and deliciously fresh seafood is one of the finest treats out there.

Christmas Pav Instead of Christmas Pudding

The Kiwis can say what they like about the true origins of this meringue-ulous dessert, but the truth is, it’s a staple part of any Aussie’s Christmas. It’s light, it’s hard to not like, and it goes perfectly with fresh fruit, whipped cream, and pretty much any accompaniment you fancy. Christmas pudding on the other hand? It’s hot, it’s heavy, and quite frankly, there’s not always room for it after a solid day of eating.

Looking Your Best (And Not Covering it up with a Coat)

Never mind those who tell you a white Christmas is the only Christmas. These are also the people that will get all dolled up for their office Christmas party, only to ruin it all with an oversized coat, snow-appropriate shoes, and wet hair. Here in Australia however, we can safely  put on our party best and confidently leave the house knowing we’ll get to the party looking just as fabulous as we started. No envy here!

Actually Enjoying Outdoor Events

December is a fun-filled month in Australia, and around the nation communities fill up their calendars with plenty of celebratory events. The beauty of celebrating in Australia, of course, is that fact that the sun is shining, the weather is warm, and the conditions are perfect for being outdoors. Which means that free outdoor events like Carols by Candlelight, beach parties, street barbecues and everything in between are more than accessible to us all. We’re not in a hurry to get from one door to another to avoid the cold – this is the time of year to actually be outdoors and get amongst the festivities!

Learning About Other Traditions

Of all the Aussie Christmas traditions however, the best one by far has to be learning and experiencing traditions from other cultures. As a multicultural nation, we’re lucky to have traditions from all over the world. From receiving chocolates in our shoes from the German Nikolaus to rollerblading in church, Venezuelan-style; popping Christmas crackers like they do in the UK; and plenty of other quirky concepts, the fun of celebrating Down Under is that we can enjoy a whole bunch of traditions during one fun-filled season.


Of course, there’s always room in our calendars to make new traditions. And whether that be socialising with friends at restaurant you haven’t tried, or enjoying a different family activity together, at Scoopon we’ve got plenty of fun ideas to inspire you. Take a look at our latest offers and start celebrating the festive season in the best way possible!

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