6 Essential Dishes for an Aussie Christmas Feast

Australian Christmas Food

We may not get snow or daggy knitted jumpers, but if you ask us, there’s plenty of reasons an Aussie Christmas trumps any other. We’ve got beaches, sunshine, backyard cricket, and of course, incredible festive spreads.

From beautiful fresh seafood to sugar-filled desserts, there are several dishes that every Aussie Christmas table shares. How many will you enjoy this year?

1. Spinach Cob Loaf

This giant bread with dip was a staple at every 70s dinner party and in recent years has experienced something of a renaissance, thanks in part to the crazy popular Cob Loaf Memes Facebook page. Nothing says ‘Christmas’ like filling up on one of these monsters during pre-lunch nibblies, so much so that you can barely fit in anything else when it’s time for the main event.

2. Prawns

Now don’t get us wrong, prawns are suitable for every time of year, but there’s just something special about a huge mountain of them come Christmas Day. No table is complete without a massive plate of these ocean delights, a couple of bottles of seafood sauce and some bowls of water to attempt to wash away the mess, even though it never works. Bonus points if there’s smoked salmon and oysters, too!

3. Roast Turkey

The weather may be scorching, but that doesn’t stop most of us having a good ol’ fashioned roast turkey for Christmas lunch! The stuffing is usually the hero of this dish, with plenty of Australian-inspired options out there like cranberries and macadamia, and apricot and almond. Oh, and a generous serving of potato salad never goes astray, either!

4. Glazed Ham

Like the roast turkey, we’ve inherited this one from our northern hemispherian friends. But that doesn’t mean we haven’t given it a uniquely Aussie twist! We glaze our hams with everything from pineapple to apricot and even quince. That being said, it’s hard to go past a traditional honey mustard glaze. Mmm…

5. Pavlova

Sure, some of us may enjoy a trifle after the big meal, or perhaps some mince pies, but the quintessential Aussie Christmas dessert is, and always will be, the humble pav. We’re talking a light, fluffy meringue base, absolutely chock-a-block with summer fruits – kiwi, passionfruit, strawberries, mango, blueberries, you name it. Even if you absolutely stuffed yourself during lunch, there’s always – and we meanΒ always – room for pavlova.

6. Cherries

After all the pressies have been unwrapped, all the bubbly has been guzzled and all the remaining food has been safely packed away and distributed amongst the guests (hello, leftovers!), it’s time to kick back and relax with a big bowl of fresh cherries and a cup of tea and reflect on the day of festive fun. Don’t worry, you’ve got a whole year to recover from your food hangover.

Want to get organised this Christmas? Click here to grab a 2kg box of rich, juicy New Zealand cherries for just $59! Be quick – orders must be made by 20 December to get them delivered in time.

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